on rendering services on organization and holding activities
Shamal project LLP

  1. This PUBLIC OFFER to provide services of the Website of “Shamal project” LLP (hereinafter - the “Offer”) is developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) dated December 27, 1994 (hereinafter - the “Civil Code”) Article 395. Unconditional acceptance by the User (hereinafter - “Acceptance”) in accordance with Article 396 of the Civil Code is the User's application on the Website (hereinafter - “Application”) and use of any function of the Website regardless of the Application submission.
  2. Shamal project” LLP offers any physical person, individual entrepreneur or legal entity to provide paid services for organization and holding of activities by concluding a Public Offer Agreement.
  3. The Offer is a public offer in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 395 of the Civil Code, contains the will of the Site on the stated conditions, to conclude a contract for the provision of services of the Site (hereinafter - the “Site”) made to one or more individuals or legal entities (hereinafter - the “Customer”), unconditionally accepting the conditions specified in this Offer. The response of the person to whom the Offer is addressed on its acceptance is recognized as Acceptance and in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 396 of the Civil Code acceptance of the Offer is equivalent to the conclusion of a contract of the Site in writing, on the terms set out in this Offer.
  4. All actions performed by the User on the Website are considered to be the actions of a person familiarized with the terms of this Offer. Reference of the User to ignorance of the terms and conditions of this Offer is not a basis for non-fulfillment of this Offer by the User.
  5. In case of disagreement with this Offer or any of its provisions, or failure to understand the Offer in full or in part, the Site offers such person to refuse to accept this Offer and has the right not to provide such person with the services of the Site
  6. Terms and additions to this Offer may be changed by the Site independently, unilaterally, without special personal notification of the Site User.
The text of this Offer is located at:
  1. The Customer and the Contractor provide mutual guarantees of their rights and legal capacity necessary for the conclusion and execution of this Offer.

  1. Public Offer - an offer containing all the essential terms and conditions of the contract, from which the will of the person making the offer to conclude a contract on the terms and conditions specified in the offer with anyone who responds is evident.
  2. Acceptance - the response of the person to whom this Offer is addressed about its acceptance.
  3. Customer - a natural person, individual entrepreneur or legal entity that has accepted the terms and conditions of this Offer.
  4. Contractor - Limited Liability Partnership “Shamal project” registered in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Owner of the Website represented by Emilov D.T. acting on the basis of the Charter.
  5. Personal data - information that allows to identify the User. By providing his personal data the Customer agrees to the processing and storage of personal data in manual mode and in an automated system, and consists of collection, processing, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, distribution, including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction, any other use in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On personal data and their protection” dated May 21, 2013.
  6. Exclusive right is a set of rights belonging to the right holder (citizen or legal entity) to use at his discretion in any way not contrary to the law the result of intellectual activity or means of individualization, and to prohibit or authorize such use by other persons. The Exclusive Right transferred under the Contract shall extend to the territories of all countries of the world.
  7. Tariffs - the current and approved list of services and prices published on the Site.
  8. Collection of Personal Data - actions aimed at obtaining Personal Data;
  9. Processing of Personal Data means actions aimed at accumulation, storage, modification, amendment, addition, use, distribution, depersonalization, blocking and destruction of Personal Data.
  10. Third parties - persons connected, both at present and in the future, with the Executor by circumstances or legal relations on Collection, Processing and protection of the User's Personal Data.
  11. A computer incident is an abnormal event that can affect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. A computer incident may indicate: computer system intrusion, system failure, denial of service, information theft, malicious acts and other unauthorized or illegal activities.
  12. Entertainment Services - organization and holding of activities for which the Order was received (hereinafter referred to as the “Event”).
  13. Website - a page located on the Website with information about the Event. The page presents the content of the Event, the date of the Activity, the duration of the Event, the procedure for placing an Event Order.
  14. Event page - a page located on the Website with information about the Event. The page presents the content of the Event, the date of the Activity, the duration of the Event, the procedure for placing an Event Order.
  15. An activity in which the entertainment component of the Event or its part is brought to the participants in accordance with the Event Program developed by the Contractor.
  16. Speaker - a natural person/representative of a legal entity, having employment or civil law relations with the Contractor, by means of whose personal speech at the Event* the content of the Event* or its part in accordance with the Event Program is brought to the Participants.
  17. Order - a request for participation in the Event of the Customer or Participants specified by the Customer.
  18. Order Form - a form located on the Event Page, designed to be filled out by the Customer and sent to the Contractor.
  19. Analogous to a handwritten signature - ticking the box “Familiarized and agree with the terms and conditions of the Information Services Agreement (public offer)” placed on the Site when placing an Order.
  20. Legislation - the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  21. Terms not defined in Section 2 of this Offer may be used in this Offer. In this case the interpretation of such term shall be made in accordance with the text of this Offer. If there is no unambiguous interpretation of the term in the text of the Offer, the interpretation of the term shall be followed:
  • first and foremost, the Website.
  • secondarily by the commonly accepted meaning.

  1. The subject of this Offer is the provision by the Contractor of entertainment (Event) services in accordance with the selected and paid by the Customer Event (hereinafter - Services).
  2. The content, number of Activities within the Event and their duration are defined on the Event Page.
  3. The program of the Activity, its time and place shall be notified to the Customer by publication on the Website not later than 3 (three) calendar days prior to the date of the Activity* or by sending information to the Customer's email address or messenger (Telegram, WhatsApp) specified when placing the Order.
  4. This Contract shall consist of:
  • “Information Services Agreement (public offer)” - permanently posted in public access on the Website at ;
  • “Event Page” means the information publicly posted on the Site containing the Event Program, the cost of the Event and the Order Form.
  1. Acceptance of this Offer is considered by the Parties as an assignment of unconditional and irrevocable consent of the User to the collection, processing and distribution of personal data provided for by Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Personal Data and their Protection” №94-V of May 21, 2013. The Customer entrusts the Rightholder with the following actions (operations) with personal data, performed with the use of automation means or without the use of such means: collection through filling in web forms by the User, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage on the server of the Rightholder, clarification (update, modification) after making changes to the Rightholder, extraction, use, transfer (provision, access) via telecommunication channels to the controlling authorities for reporting, depersonalization, blocking, deletion of personal data, processing and dissemination of personal data. The content and list of processed personal data is determined based on the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of activities automated through the Site.

Contractor's Rights and Responsibilities:
  1. provide the services and functions described at
  2. to carry out the Event on its own or with the involvement of third parties for the fulfillment of the Agreement without the Customer's approval;
  3. independently form the list of speakers participating in the Activity;
  4. take photos, audio and video during the Activity and use the obtained materials at their own discretion;
  5. in case of non-payment, incomplete payment and/or late payment by the Customer for the Event in accordance with the terms of this offer set out on the Event page, not to allow the Customer to participate in the Activities. If necessary, to change the time and place of the Seminar, the Event Program with prior notice to the Customer;
  6. provide the Customer with the opportunity to receive free telephone consultations at the telephone numbers specified on the Website. The scope of consultations is limited to specific issues related to the Event.
  7. no later than 2 (two) calendar days prior to the Event to publish on the Event Page the schedule of the Event, venue and time, or send it to the Customer's e-mail address;
  8. change the cost of the Event. The cost of the Event for which an Order has been placed is not subject to change.
  9. notify the Customer of any change in the place and (or) time of the Activity or speakers no later than 2 (two) calendar days from the date of the change. In case the necessity to change the place and (or) time of the Seminar or the list of speakers became known less than a day before the Seminar, the Contractor shall notify the Customer immediately;
  10. withdraw its offer to conclude this Offer at any time, but this does not constitute grounds for the Party's waiver of obligations.
  11. is entitled to unilaterally make changes and additions to the Offer in accordance with the procedure stipulated in p. 10.2 of this Offer. 10.2. of this Offer.
  12. keep confidentiality of the Customer's information except for cases stipulated by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  13. is entitled to unilaterally make changes and additions to the Offer in accordance with the procedure stipulated in p. 10.2 of this Offer. 10.2. of this Offer.
Rights and Obligations of the Customer:
  1. shall be entitled to make an Acceptance of the offer in accordance with its terms and conditions.
  2. is obliged to familiarize with the terms and conditions of this Offer, as well as amendments and additions to it, in the manner prescribed by Article 10 of the Offer.
  3. by making an Acceptance of the Offer, the Customer confirms that he has full legal capacity, can independently exercise his rights and fulfill his obligations, and is aware of the essence of his actions.
  4. to familiarize with the content of this Agreement, the terms and conditions of the Event, and the payment procedure posted on the Website prior to the conclusion of the Agreement;
  5. provide accurate information about yourself and Participants (full name, contact phone numbers, e-mail address);
  6. make payment for the Event within the terms and conditions specified in this Offer on the Event page;
  7. to attend the Activity personally in accordance with the schedule of the Activity. It is allowed for another person to attend the Activity instead of the Customer, provided that the Customer must notify the Contractor about it. In this case, such person shall enjoy the rights of the Customer at the Activities he/she attends;
  8. to notify the Contractor in advance, at least one day in advance, about missing the Activity;
  9. to comply with the internal order established by the Contractor, as well as the requirements for discipline imposed by the organizers at the Activity. For violation of the internal order established by the Contractor, as well as the requirements for discipline at the Activity, the Participant may be removed from the Activity in which the violation was committed, but only if such order and requirements have been brought to the attention of the Customer.
  10. in case of disagreement of the Customer with any of the provisions of this Offer, the Customer shall not be entitled to accept the terms and conditions of this Offer by ticking the box “Familiarized and agree with the terms and conditions of the Information Services Agreement (public offer)” placed on the Website when placing an Order.
  11. by placing an Order, the Customer warrants that he/she has fully familiarized himself/herself with the text of this Agreement and accepts its terms and conditions.
  12. By concluding this Offer, the Customer guarantees that he has no medical contraindications and other health problems for participation in the Events in the wilderness, and confirms that he fully accepts responsibility for the state of his health. The Contractor shall not be liable for damage to the Customer's health and life as a result of providing false information about the state of his health.
  13. The Contractor shall not be liable for damage to the life and health of the Customer in case of violation of the Rules of the Event, including safety rules, etc.
  14. The Contractor is not responsible for damage or loss of the Customer's personal belongings on the territory of the Event.
  15. The Contractor shall not be liable for any damage related to the deterioration of the Customer's health, including as a result of exacerbation of his chronic diseases. The Customer shall bear the risks related to his/her possible health limitations, hidden and/or/and unidentified diseases, and the Customer's failure to undergo systematic independent medical examination.
  16. Children up to and including 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult, including parents or other legal representatives, at the activity.
The Order is placed by completing and submitting the Order Form from the Event Page, specifying the following parameters:
  • Last Name;
  • First Name;
  • Telephone number;
  • Email address.
  1. The order shall be deemed to be completed after confirmation by the Contractor under the terms of the Offer.
  2. The Order shall be considered confirmed after the confirmation is sent to the Customer by e-mail or messenger (Telegram, WhatsApp) specified by the Customer at the time of placing the Order.
  3. If the Executor has reasons to assume that the information provided by the Customer when placing the Order is not true or is provided in incomplete (unreliable), he may be refused to accept the Order on a temporary or permanent basis.
  4. Prior to placing an Order and accepting the Offer, the Customer undertakes to familiarize himself with:
  • with full information about the Event, the cost of the Event. This information is located on the Event page;
  • with methods of payment for the Event. This information is located on the Event page;
  • with the full company name and contact details of the Contractor. The specified information is located on the Website;
  • by this Agreement;

  1. Information on the Event can be found on the Event Page.
  2. Each description of the Event is accompanied by text information: name, price for the Event, description, date of the Activity and the Event Program.
  3. The description of the Events presented on the Website is for reference only and cannot fully convey information about the Information Services provided. If the Customer has any questions regarding the Event, the Customer shall contact the Contractor by phone number indicated on the Event Page before placing the Order.
  4. The Contractor shall not be liable for non-compliance of the Event Program with the Customer's expectations.
  5. Events are not educational activities, are not subject to licensing, and are not accompanied by final certification.

  1. The cost for the Event is indicated in the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan - tenge.
  2. Costs are subject to change and depend on:
  • payment terms;
  • the volume of services to be purchased;
  • of the Customer's individual discount.
  1. The Customer shall pay for the Event by the methods specified on the Event Page when proceeding to checkout.
  2. The Customer's obligation to pay the Event price is considered to be fulfilled from the moment of crediting the relevant funds in the amount of 100% (one hundred percent) of the prepayment to the settlement account of the Contractor (Payment Acceptance Operator), unless otherwise specified. The Contractor shall not be responsible for the terms of crediting the funds to the settlement account (account of the Operator for payment acceptance).
  3. The Customer shall at his own expense pay commissions (fees) charged by credit organizations or payment systems/aggregators when making payment.
  4. If payment is not received by the start date of the Event, the Event will not be provided.
  5. The Customer shall not be entitled to pay for the Event from the accounts of third parties without written agreement with the Contractor.
  6. The services shall be deemed to have been rendered properly and in full if no written complaint is made by the Customer within 3 (three) calendar days from the end of the Event. In case of absence of a complaint, the Services shall be deemed to have been rendered properly. The Parties agreed that the Act shall be sent to the Customer's e-mail within 10 (ten) calendar days from the end of the Event.
  7. At the Customer's request, the Contractor shall send the original copy of the Statement of Services rendered.
  8. Children 14 years and older must pay the full fee for participation in the activity, which is current at the time of purchase.

  1. Ticket refund and reissue policy
  2. Ticket re-issuance is done through the Shamal project manager.
  3. All tickets sold by speculators are not valid.
  4. The ticket(s) can only be reissued to another person until June 24, 2024.
  5. In case of the Customer's refusal, the refund of the deposited money may be made with a deduction in the following amount and order:
a) Refund of the full amount, without withholding is possible, if the Customer makes such a request not later than 3 calendar days from the date of purchase of a ticket for the Event in the period of application until June 24, 2024.
b) 30% - during the period of the Customer's application from 01.09.2023 to 31.03.2024. 70% of the paid sum of money shall be refunded.
c) 40% - during the period of the Customer's application from 01.04.2024 to 30.04.2024. 60% of the paid sum of money shall be refunded.
d) 50% - during the period of the Customer's application from 01.05.2024 to 23.06.2024. 50% of the paid sum of money shall be refunded.
e) Effective June 24, 2024 - deposited monies are non-refundable.
  1. Any prepayment made for participation in the Event is non-refundable. Prepayment is forty percent (40%) of the full ticket price paid for participation in the Event.
  2. The only valid contact numbers for the Shamal Project sales team:
  • +996 705 663 336;
  • +7 700 950 66 33.

  1. The Site is responsible for the quality and operation of the Service during the entire term of the Offer, with permissible breaks for preventive maintenance.
  2. The site is not responsible for:
  3. for damages caused to the Customer by third parties through the Website;
  4. for the operation of third-party programs integrated into or affecting the operation of the software, including anti-virus programs and various blockers;
  5. The Parties are responsible for maintaining confidentiality of all information known to the Parties under the Offer.
  6. The site is released from responsibility for violation of the Offer terms, if such violation is caused by force majeure circumstances (force majeure), including: actions of public authorities (including the adoption of legal acts), fire, flood, earthquake, other natural disasters, lack of electricity and / or computer network failures, strikes, civil unrest, riots, any other circumstances, not limited to the above, which may affect the performance of the Contractor of this Agreement.
  7. The Site is responsible for storing and processing the Customer's personal data.
  8. The aggregate liability of the Site under the Offer, for any action or claim in respect of the Offer or its performance, shall be limited to the amount of the payment made by the Customer to the Provider under that selected Event.
  9. During the June 24-28, 2024 activity, the sale of alcohol and tobacco products is prohibited on the premises
  10. At sale of alcoholic and tobacco products by the Customer, the Executor fixes the fact of sale and makes a warning to the Customer, after 2 (two) warnings the Executor has the right to demand from the Customer to pay a one-time fine in the amount of $1000 (one thousand) US dollars at the rate of the national bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Customer is obliged to pay this fine undisputedly, extrajudicially, as well as the Executor has the right to seize alcoholic and tobacco products together with security officers, having made a preliminary inventory of all alcoholic and tobacco products.

  1. All disputes, disagreements and claims that may arise in connection with the execution, termination or invalidation of the Offer, the Parties shall endeavor to resolve through negotiations. The Party, which has claims and/or disagreements, shall send a message to the other Party indicating the claims and/or disagreements.
  2. The message shall be sent by the User through the registration form located on the website, as well as in writing by sending by registered mail with a notice of receipt and an inventory of attachments. The message shall contain the essence of the claim, evidence supporting the claim.
  3. Within thirty (30) business days of receipt of the original communication, the Party that received it is obliged to send a response to the communication.
  4. If the response to the message is not received by the Party that sent the message within 30 (thirty) working days from the date of sending the relevant message, or if the Parties fail to reach an agreement on the arising claims and/or disagreements, the dispute is subject to consideration in court at the location of the Rightholder.
  5. Disputes and disagreements under this Offer, the settlement of which is unattainable for the Parties through negotiations, shall be referred to the Specialized Interdistrict Economic Court of Almaty, in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Site guarantees confidentiality and safety of personal data, and other data entered into the Customer Interface in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Privacy Policy of the Rightholder is available on the Site at the link

  1. By placing an Order on the Website, the Customer confirms its consent to the Contractor's processing of its PDNs.
  2. By placing an Order on the Website, the Customer confirms that he/she provides the Customer's personal data with his/her consent. The Contractor shall not be liable if the Customer illegally transfers the Customer's personal data to a third party.
  3. List of the Customer's PDNs, for the processing of which consent is given:
  • last name, first name, middle name;
  • telephone number;
  • email address.
  1. The Customer's consent to the processing of personal data is granted without limitation of its validity period.
  2. The Customer, solely upon personal application, has the right to withdraw (change) this consent to the processing of the PDN.
  3. The Contractor shall process and ensure confidentiality of Personal Data in accordance with the requirements of the Legislation.
  4. The Contractor confirms that the Customer's PDNs, which were specified by the Contractor at the time of placing the Order, will be used solely for the fulfillment of the Offer.
  5. Customer is aware and agrees that telephone conversations with the Contractor may be recorded for the purposes of quality control of the Contractor's work.
  6. The Customer agrees to receive informative electronic messages (hereinafter referred to as “notifiers”) from the Contractor to the e-mail address and/or subscriber phone number specified by the Customer at the conclusion of the Contract.
  7. The Contractor shall have the right to use notifiers to inform the Customer about changes and new projects of “Shamal project” LLP, about changes in the Contract or the Binding Documents specified therein, as well as for informational or advertising mailings.
  8. The Customer has the right to withdraw his/her consent by drawing up an appropriate written document, which may be sent to the Contractor by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt or delivered personally against signature to a representative of the Contractor. In case of receipt of a written application for withdrawal of this consent to the processing of personal data, the Contractor shall be obliged to stop their processing.
  9. As a result of failure, technical malfunctions, actions of third parties, including (but not limited to) virus or hacker attack, the Customer's (Listener's) data may become available to third parties. The Customer is aware of this and undertakes not to make claims to the Contractor for compensation of losses (damage) arising in connection with this.
  10. The customer consents to:
  • storage of personal data;
  • use of the Customer's personal and statistical data to display advertisements;
  • sending to the Customer information about services, news of the Contractor and (or) partners of the Contractor;
  • cross-border transfer of personal data.
  1. The Contractor shall only process data that are necessary for the performance of this Contract.

  1. Exclusive and personal non-property rights to any results of intellectual activity posted on the Site or contained in the interface belong to the Rights Holder and are protected in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

  1. The Parties shall be released from liability for partial or full failure to fulfill obligations under this Offer if such failure is caused by force majeure circumstances arising after acceptance of this Offer, as a result of circumstances that could not be foreseen or prevented by reasonable measures. Force majeure circumstances shall mean, but not limited to: war or hostilities, natural phenomena, epidemic, quarantine, fires, wrecks, strikes, riots, revolutions, mass riots, decisions of state authorities prohibiting or otherwise limiting the possibility of rendering Services under this Offer.
  2. The Party for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations due to the above circumstances shall not later than 3 (three) working days from the moment of their occurrence notify the other Party in writing of the occurrence of such circumstances, except for cases when notification is not possible due to the above circumstances.

  1. Performance by the User of the actions provided by clause. 1.2. of this Offer shall be considered as full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of this Offer without exception and conclusion between the User and the Website on the terms of this Offer.
  2. The Customer agrees that the Site has the right to make changes and/or amendments to the Offer, including changes in the cost of tariffs or approve it in a new version. Amendments and additions/Offer in a new edition shall come into force on the date of publication of such amendments and/or additions/Offer in a new edition on the Site.
  3. Any questions, comments and other correspondence of Users should be sent to the Rightholder by e-mail The Contractor is not responsible for and does not guarantee the possibility of answering inquiries, questions, suggestions and other information, except as provided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Last modified date 22.05.2024

Shamal project LLP
Republic of Kazakhstan, Medeu district, Baribayev Street, Building 36
IIK KZ496017131000010257
IIK KZ29601A861011906031
JSC Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan
BIN 230140010621

Tel: +7 702 403 07 69

Director: Emilov Daniyar Temirovich